Friday, June 13, 2008

Dying in Detention

The unfair treatment of illegal immigrants has become such a heated topic and the article Dying in Detention discusses it. It wasn't until i read it that i realized how cruel and neglectful our governments immigrant detention system really is. Many are sick and have already died terrible deaths from being in these detention facilities and deserve to be remembered. The government should be doing something to improve the standards of the facilities but the progress has been slow. The Detainee Basic Medical Care Act is in the process of being passed at the moment. "The bill would impose more rigorous standards on the network of more than 300 publicly and privately run prisons that make up the federal system — current rules are voluntary, not legally enforceable and not uniformly followed. And it would require that all deaths be reported to the Justice Department and Congress." I am strongly in favor of passing this bill. It doesn't matter who you are. a human is a human and i fell it to be cruel to treat them poorly just because they are in custody. they should still receive the same health care as anyone else.

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