Friday, June 27, 2008

Presidential Campaigning gone too far?

Spreading awareness about the Presidential election is extremely important. The people need to know whats going on. A majority of the US citizens who dont vote are younger. I understand that the government is just trying to reach out to the younger crowd but it seems they have taken it to an extreme. Political campaigns have now seeped into the world of Facebook. I know because i have one myself. Facebook was meant to help students keep in touch with their friends and to be used as a social utility. With the candidates posting polls and all sorts of news feed o Facebook, the campaigning as become a bit overwhelming. Can the government really not come up with a better way to reach out to the younger crowd then to invade Facebook? In my opinion, having the information in my face all the time doesn't make me want to go out and vote. If anything it makes me want to avoid the subject at all costs. It seems as if i can not get away from it. Not even on Facebook.


Zach McIlroy said...

Brennan Wilson said...

I believe it is extremely important to reach out to the kids and younger adults of this country about political ideas. The candidates running for president should concentrate mostly on the kids and young adults because we are going to be running this country one day. It has always been the younger crowd who has been less educated about political ideas and it seems like we don't care. I'm tired of this and you should be as well. If we vote the wrong president in office it wont be our dads who are 50 years old on the front line if we go to war it will be kids our age ( your best friends or boyfriend). I believe almost every kid now days has a face book and checks it regularly and if reaching to the kids is by putting a link on facebook about the person who is going to be running our whole country then so be it. maybe one of those links will teach someone to be more informed about a political idea and maybe someone will change their ideas based on that little link on the facebook sign in screen. To me is seems like kids our age usually don't care to read or really listen to politics and we should change this idea and pay more attention to whats about to happen to our country rather than what our friend is doing across town. It shouldn't be bugging you that political issues are being posted on facebook when you have links to porno and club sights on the same page. That should bother you more than anything that the ideas aren't being addressed to the youth properly and temptation is constantly in front of ones face as soon as they get on the Internet to a world of things I'm sure mommy and daddy would like you looking at or researching. I am actually very happy that facebook is starting to post political ideas and problems in our country maybe now we can all stumble apon a website that matters. especially if its for our country. The whole idea behind facebook is to reach the college crowd and here especially is where we should start making our own ideas and researching those we don't understand.